"This could have a massive global impact."

Katy Robinson | Parent, Teacher, Leader

Build YOUR Roadmap - Create YOUR World

30+ years of leadership expertise funneled down to the critical lessons leaders need to thrive

  • Life Skills to Succeed in the 21st Century

    No two people are the same. The world is changing quickly and life can feel unfair at times. Let’s get you ready with the skills to survive and thrive in today’s world.

  • Organize Your Thoughts & Manage Today’s World

    Without optimal self-organization, you’ll arrive at either chaos or rigidity. Let’s develop a plan that is unique and authentic to your vision of success. Let’s empower you to manage today’s world.

  • Navigate Hard Times with Confidence

    Life moves fast. We are bombarded with information these days and unexpected moments happen. Let’s get you in a position to navigate the challenging and stressful moments with confidence and ease.

"This completely reframed how I think about my future and what's possible."

Alison Milleman | Operations Director

Why Project OTY

A one-of-a-kind framework for living a peacefully, productive life. 

Nowhere today are we consistently being taught how to play the game of life.  We’re overwhelmed and often feeling anxious about our future.  Life is moving fast. This process will lead you to calmly discover your definition of success and reposition you as the leader in your life.

About Your Roadmap

Empower yourself to confidently make choices and decisions that are in alignment with who you want to become.

You’ll create a detailed plan of action, called your “Roadmap”, that will guide you through the unique choices, decisions, and unexpected moments that life will present you with.  As life changes, your Roadmap will evolve with you.

About the Process

An interactive experience empowering you to play the game of life.

Leaders don’t just learn, they apply their knowledge to the real world. Every time you tackle a new lesson in the process of Building YOUR Roadmap, we guide you with personalized questions and exercises to help you take immediate action and make the journey exciting. 

Personalized Resources

Become your own motivational speaker and move forward with confidence.

During your personal leadership journey, you’ll have access to information that will help guide, motivate and inspire you to tackle your next steps, act on your Roadmap and to Create YOUR World. Your Roadmap will become your crucial resource to approach your future with confidence. 

"It doesn't matter who you are. The Build YOUR Roadmap process levels the playing field. It starts with where you are today and leads you to define where you want to go along with how to get there. Very powerful and timely."

Eric Dazey | Dean of Students

Who Is This Program A Fit For?

  • Business Leaders - You’re a business founder, CEO, team leader, or hiring manager who knows that keeping your team focused, aligned, motivated, and feeling supported is paramount to success. Let’s help.

  • Educators / Teachers - You’re a principal, superintendent, teacher or faculty member aiming to make a safe, engaging space for students to learn and truly meet their goals in and after leaving school.

  • Parents of Young Adults - You’re a parent or guardian knowing you want to set the stage for future achievement for your student when they graduate, leave home and move to the next stage of their life.

  • Students in School - You’re a student in high school or college. You’re moving toward graduation. You’re thinking about your future and considering life after school. You’re aware that you are going to need to take the lead in your life post-graduation.

  • Young Professionals - You’re a young adult gaining work experience, just out of trade school or a recent graduate. Your responsibilities are growing and you’re ready to take the lead and gain recognition in your budding career.

  • Lifetime Learners - You’re a knowledge seeker wanting to make a massive impact and make big shifts in your mindset and life. You want to create your future world with confidence and be the leader that others can look to.

“I figured out my Unique Strengths. I’m now on the path to reaching my ultimate self.”

Kenzie Williams | Young Adult

What You Gain

No two people are the same. Regardless of background, race, or socioeconomic status, our program meets you where you are at in life to get you to where you want to be, on your terms. You will be inspired with:

  • A Detailed Roadmap

    A detailed plan for achieving personal success that's fully aligned with you

  • Defined Success

    A unique and crystal-clear definition of success to share with others

  • Focused Clarity

    Clarity on where you envision yourself in the next 5 years

  • Strengthened Accountability

    A mindset overhaul to confront challenges and attract opportunities

  • Boosted Confidence

    Increased confidence to manage today's world and build your unique future

  • A Winning Mindset

    Stronger self-determination to face and overcome any challenge ahead of you

How It Works

The foundation of the Project OTY experience is a series of quick lessons and exercises that build on each other. Here's a sneak peek.

    1. Message from Jeff

    2. Let's Get Started!

    3. Quick Reminder

    1. Let's Start with a Question...

    2. What Great Leaders have in Common

    3. Seven (7) Traits of Leadership

    4. Leadership Starts with You

    1. Transformative Moments

    2. No Two People are the Same

    3. Some Moments are Transformative

    4. Example of a Transformative Moment

    5. Why are Transformative Moments important?

    6. When Transformative Moments happen

    7. Leaders take Path Two

    8. Build Confidence and Move Forward

    9. The Confidence Formula

    1. Unique Strengths Intro

    2. The Four (4) Stages of Learning

    3. We're always in a Stage of Learning

    4. Let's get Honest

    5. The Quickest Path

    6. Starting from a Spot of Confidence

    7. Let's Pause for a Moment

    8. Your Unique Strength is your Foundation

    9. Paying Attention to the Unique Strengths in Others

    10. Unique Strength in Others

    11. Unique Strengths - Take Away

    1. Let's Talk about Vision

    2. What is a Vision?

    3. Why Having a Vision Matters

    4. Fun Fact

    5. Help Others Help You

    6. Five Years from Today

    7. Set a Timer for 11:33

    8. Just Think

    9. Your Vision

    10. Copy the "My Roadmap" Template

    11. Download the "My Roadmap" Template

    12. Input 10-20 Vision Bullet Points

    13. Good Work

    1. Ego, Fears and Motivations

    2. 3 Parts to our Brain

    3. 3 Survival Instincts

    4. Explore Your Fears

    5. Fear Happens

    6. Fears are Real - We all have Fears

    7. Five Tips - Removing Fear for Others

    8. Organize your Fears

    9. Pfewww... Good Work

    10. Fears, Quick Check-in

    11. Enough on Fears

  • A 16-Step learning experience for those ready to lead and live their lives with confidence.

We believe in you.

We believe that everyone deserves to be the leader of their life.

We’ve built the process. Now, it’s up to you to give critical thought and do the work. We’ll guide you through it. We believe you will achieve more than you ever imagined possible.
Watch Intro Video

The Impact of Build Your Roadmap for Young Business Leaders and Teams


"It helped me realize how to achieve my goals in life."

Blake Sheppard|College Student

Common Questions

  • How will Build YOUR Roadmap help me?

    Our program is unique in giving you the leadership skills for the modern world to be able to plan your life calmly and confidently in accelerating your journey to success, on your terms. Side effects may include but are not limited to: increased salaries, job promotions, stress-free life transitions, launched businesses, new network connections, and achieved dreams.

  • How much time should I expect to spend on the program? What’s the duration?

    There are about 16 modules to get through on the path to Building YOUR Roadmap. We see individual students move through in about 2-3 weeks (some have finished in a weekend). Business teams and classes should anticipate moving through in a 5-7 week timeframe. Some move quicker. The reality is that the program is flexible to your schedule and can be completed in spending 10-15 minutes a day or roughly 60-90 minutes per week, or 8 hours in a weekend. This process will cause you to pause and think deep. We encourage you to spend the time you need to think and then jump back in when you are ready to continue. After moving through the lessons you’ll be able to edit, update and interact with your Roadmap, view your personalized Resources, and review Lesson Recaps at your own pace.

  • Where should I eat if I ever find myself in Portland, Oregon?

    Great question. Portland is a culinary delight. You can’t go wrong eating at Jakes if you're feeling like a good seafood fix. McMenamins has an interesting vibe for those looking to chill. Decarlis in Beaverton (a Portland suburb) serves an incredible short-rib dish. How about you let us know if you are ever headed to Portland and we’ll point you in the right direction.

  • Who can I contact if I have additional questions or need help?

    Email our team at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you in the next 24 hours with a response from a real, live person.